The Age-Old Sandwich: A Look at the Oldest Known Varieties

The Age-Old Sandwich: A Look at the Oldest Known Varieties

It’s hard to imagine a world without sandwiches. However, this much-loved lunchtime staple wasn’t always as popular as it is today. Legend has it that the sandwich as we know it was created by John Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich. A well-travelled man, the Earl...
2024’s Tastiest Sandwich Trends Revealed

2024’s Tastiest Sandwich Trends Revealed

Whether it’s a wrap, sub, baguette, barm, roll, toastie, or panini, we Brits are undoubtedly a nation of sandwich lovers. From extravagant fillings and flavour combinations to unique cooking techniques and styling options, the sandwich market is ever-evolving to...
To Dunk or Not to Dunk?

To Dunk or Not to Dunk?

Dunking a sandwich may sound strange, right? However, it could just be the culinary revelation that you’ve been waiting for. Dunking is a fantastic technique for enhancing the flavour and texture of your sarnie – the bread will absorb some of the sauce, adding...
The Great Sandwich Debate: Triangles Vs Rectangles

The Great Sandwich Debate: Triangles Vs Rectangles

How to slice a sarnie has long been a contentious issue in homes across the country and it’s safe to say that the nation is divided. Do you go for the diagonal, slice horizontally straight down the middle, or choose a school packed-lunch style with squares?  This...